Well Sup Everybody?
You'll notice right of the bat there is some new comers. I added Repulsica and Piss Kid Paul, and as always, there is still Lil Zacky and the son-of-bitch-asshole: Chris. I still have aspirations of putting Chris in Denim. but because the ninja's animations were all hand-drawn I would have to completely redo and redraw that character and that would suck. I still plan on doing it... it'll just have to be addressed later.
I had infinite trouble with pathing. I beleive this is for two reasons.
1. I'm Retarded.
2. We did kind of go over it in the last 3 minutes in class and by that time all I could think of was whether I wanted beef and cheese frozen burritos for lunch or corn dogs...
I ended up going with the corn dogs.
I mean nearly all of my movie clips have multiple moving parts in them. So I mean I know I'm close and Im sure once I learn how to path my workspace will be a lot more organized. but in the mean time I can fake it.
Lets see what else.
Oh yeah I fixed up the timing in some parts and polished the ninja's technique. I also tinkered with the background:
I thought this was repulsive
and I though this was okay but I still enjoy my initial scape the most. Mostly because I chose that image first then based all my colors and character compositions off of it. I dunno I'm hoping the addition of Paul and Repulsica will pull some of the attention away from the confusing background and into the meat of the image.
I realize this is the longest statement I've written thus far.
I need to get some hobbies.
scoop scoop