Monday, September 15, 2008


Lets see.
I had to redo every bit of animation i had before because the first time my alignment was off. Now that it's on my site it still seems I have some white space.... but that could be HTML fucking with me,

I used the Shape tween and masking techniques to create the doorway to porn. That gave me some difficulties but i persevered and worked my way through them.

As for the content coming out of the door. I didn't want anything too x rated and awesome because i do plan on showing this to my momma some day. however i did manage to have a golden dinosaur come out of the door that maybe somewhat resembles a penis.

stay tru


DaKoda Davis said...

Jordan, your piece has come quite a ways with your original work. I like watching the jet pack man. The clouds work really well with your composition too.

ericHUBER said...


Always a pleasure.

— Eric

anthoneycarter said...

It's completely ridiculous but I love it. The Golden Dinosaur is, well, golden.

I think you should have kept the scene where your jetpack dude goes across the back in the sky from left to right. it added to the hilariousness.

qaaim said...

I think you really smoothed out your animation since the first take. The golden dinosaur should be a part of your next few designs. How did you fix the duct tape helmet bitmap issue?

wyatt said...

awesome. i like the way random shit pops out the door keeps me from getting bored with it.

Anonymous said...

Nice work with the door, you managed to control the shape tween really well.

Ms. Singleton said...

i agree with anthony i would of liked to of scene you just build from the original jetpack scene.